Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Salon Wrap-Up for February 19, 2017 - "My New York"

"...Squares after squares of flame, set up and cut into the aether. Here is our poetry, for we have pulled down the stars to our will." 
- Ezra Pound
From a distance, the city of New York has been described in this, as well as many other ways. Up close, we were able to find our own unique connections to The Big Apple with the theme of "My New York." And it's no quirk that I began this paragraph the way I did, for our Co-Host was none other than the Grammy Award-winning songwriter (Song of the Year) of "From A Distance," Julie Gold! She has also won (BIG BREATH) The 2007 Richard Rogers Award, multiple MAC and Bistro Awards (including the 2012 MAC Board of Directors Award), BMI's 3 Million Airs Award, the Rising Star New York Music Award, BPME and CTAM awards for her work on HBO, the Minute Man Award in the Persian Gulf War, The Seven Seals Award from The Department of Defense, and Citations from the Mayor of Philadelphia and the Governor of Pennsylvania.

The city of New York means a lot to Julie and her family. Although Julie grew up in Philadelphia, her mother came from Moscow in 1930 and immigrated through the New York Harbor, so Julie herself can't help but love the city in all it's glory over the years. She started up the evening with the song "Love is Love is Love" a pulsating ballad full of hopeful images and thoughts, and we felt as warm as the spring-like New York "Winter" weather outside for it. If you'd like to hear it, you're in luck; singer-songwriter Christine Lavin made a video of the song along with other friends of Julie's, which can be seen on YouTube.

As Co-Host throughout the evening, Julie Gold was effervescent and fun! After the Intermission, she took to the piano again to describe her own personal history. She came to New York in 1978, moved into Queens, and eventually migrated to Manhattan in '83. She lived on West 4th street, in the village, and her experience living there inspired her rock song, "The Real World," which features the lovely lyric "my heart is like a metronome." Julie never thought she'd live in New York (or really, live at all) quite so she said, "once I moved here, that was it." Julie also noted how New York is so fantastic, because your neighbor or the person next to you in the subway could be a ballerina, a doctor working towards curing cancer, or a Broadway chorus boy. She then noted how storefronts come and go, statuses on Facebook change, haircuts evolve, and high-rises grow up throughout New York, which were all expressed in the sweetly funny song, "Discontinued." She then ended her set with "Good Night, New York"; this was dedicated to her mother who (as the lyrics explained) "sailed through the harbor of hopes and of dreams." As an immigrant, Julie explained, "she came with her dreams, and made our American dreams come true." The lyrics were lovely and heartbreakingly poignant.

After Julie introduced all the remaining singers for the evening (and after reminding us that we should drink alcohol "never before, always after" singing), she then sat at the piano and performed the song that changed her life, "From A Distance." Julie had been a secretary at HBO, and has been submitting the cassette taped version of herself singing it...and had it rejected by everyone in the music business for what seemed like years. Then, fortune turned around, and after many people recorded it, someone recommended Bette Midler to put her vocals to it. The rest is history. It was an honor to listen to those words be brought to life by the original composer, and at her own accompaniment. What a fantastic experience!

For more information :

Co-Host Julie Gold
Salon Spotlight

The Salon Spotlight tonight was the punky Kim Sutton, who brought Steven Ray Watkins to the piano to sing a few songs made famous by Madonna. Kim started out with the resonant ballad "Live to Tell", which then swankily and unexpectedly swung into "Hanky Panky" (from Madonna's Dick Tracy-inspired "I'm Breathless" album)... she certainly had us all thinking naughty thoughts. Kim ended with the Material Girl's "Take a Bow," featuring backup vocals by Steven.

Kim's Madonna-themed (but very personal) show "Live to Tell" at The Laurie Beechman Theatre (407 W 42nd St, NYC.) on March 2nd, 5th and 16th, with Steven Ray Watkins on piano. Lennie Watts is directing this fun show, which will include some spankin' hot dancer-singer backup boys to keep Kim on her toes all show long. And almost 50 songs are sampled in this show, so there's a favorite for everyone.

For more information about Kim's show, head here.

Kim Sutton
Quick Wrap - Classical Corner

"One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years." 
-Tom Wolfe
The song that created Salon is quintessentially New York, although Mark learned it as as an undergrad in Texas, while he was performing at "The Great Caruso," a supper club that included singers throughout the night. Mark would play for the singers, and when the time for a break came about, Mark would need to find 15 minutes of music to fill the time. It didn't hit him how "New York" the piece was until he started to play it at the Algonquin Hotel after "Talk of the Town" performances. One night, after one particular performance, Mark saw the Oak Room Grand piano sitting by itself in the lobby and played this 17 minute piece on a whim....he finished and looked up and saw the lobby had filled with singers and audience members drinking and enjoying the music. The manager of the Algonquin said Mark could do this "any evening he wanted." And thus, The Salon was born, a now proud New York Cabaret Institution! It was in 1924 and just 8 blocks away on 42nd that this famous piece premiered. It was orchestrated by Ferde Grofé (writer of The Grand Canyon Suite). who offered up a middle section to piece on composer George Gershwin's request for inspiration - and some would say it's quite obvious where the second pair of composing hands invades the melody.

That piece? "Rhapsody in Blue," which Mark played from memory with gusto and snazzy New Yawk style. While he played, we envisioned the classic New York skyline rising into our view.

Roster of performers for the evening (in order of appearance):
Click link to visit the performer’s website or other links, when available.
All piano accompaniment by Mark Janas unless otherwise noted.

Co-Host: Julie Gold (self on piano)
Robin Westle
Jerome Weinstein
Josh Tepar
Barbara Malley (with Matthew Martin Ward on piano)
Bob Diamond (Matthew Martin Ward on piano)
Sally Darling  (Matthew Martin Ward on piano)
Matthew Martin Ward (self on piano)
Adam B Shapiro
David Ballard
Sierra Rein
Linda Rodolitz and Steven Ray Watkins (Steven on piano)
Salon Spotlight: Kim Sutton (with Steven Ray Watkins on piano)
Classical Corner: Mark Janas
Co-Host: Julie Gold (self on piano)
Tanya Moberly
Roxanna B.G.
Ira Lee Collings
Ann Kittredge
Lou Iacovino
Joan Jaffe
Angela Leone
Mary Sue Daniels
Rebecca Kidwell
Deborah Zecher
Richard Eisenberg
Chris Stockslager & Kory
Co-Host: Julie Gold (self on piano)

Special thanks to tonight’s musicians: Julie GoldMark Janas, Matthew Martin Ward, and Steven Ray Watkins, and to my fellow Etceterette, Lorinda Lisitza.

And thank you to Becky Balin on lights and sound, our amazing waitstaff, and James Eden, tonight's videographer.

Ongoing Shows: 

Monday nights (7pm): Opera Open Mic at Shanghai Mong with Mark Janas and Matthew Martin Ward, 30 West 32nd Street, NYC.

Monday & Wednesday nights (8pm): Bill Zeffiro performs weekly at La Rivista, 313 West 46th St, NYC.

Upcoming Shows:

Friday, February 24, 2017 (7pm): Ira Lee Collings is performing his new show, "Simply Ira Lee: ! An 80th GAY GEEZER Celebration Through the Looking Glass-Warts and All," with John Cook at the piano, at Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC.

Saturday, February 25, 2017 (8:30pm and 9:30pm, Dinner 8-11pm): Joan Jaffe, with special guests and Bill Zeffiro on piano, at Parnell's Spotlight Night; Parnell's on 350 E. 53rd St, NYC.

Sunday, February 26, 2017 (2pm): Gary Crawford is holding his weekly "Church with a 2 Drink Minimum" (with Reverend Yolanda and Adam Shapiro) at Sidewalk Cafe in the East Village, NYC.

Sunday, February 26, 2017 (2pm): Mary Sue Daniels in "Straight Outta 'Conda" at Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St, NYC.

Monday, February 27, 2017 (7pm): Robin Westle  in "The Adventures of Taffy Longview" at The Laurie Beechman Theatre, 407 W 42nd St, NYC.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 (7pm): Barbara Malley is bringing back her show, "OMG! Am I a Diva?" with Matthew Martin Ward to Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC, benefitting American Rivers.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 (7pm): Tanya Moberly directs Amy Beth Williams in "Carried Away" at Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St, NYC.

Thursday, March 2, 2017 (7pm): Kim Sutton's Madonna-themed show, "Live to Tell," with Steven Ray Watkins on piano and Lennie Watts as Director, will be at The Laurie Beechman Theatre, 407 W 42nd St, NYC.

Friday, March 3, 2017 (7pm): Tanya Moberly brings back "Tanya Moberly Sings Nilsson With Weber" one night only at Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St, NYC.

Sunday, March 5, 2017 (1pm): Kim Sutton's Madonna-themed show, "Live to Tell," with Steven Ray Watkins on piano and Lennie Watts as Director, will be at The Laurie Beechman Theatre, 407 W 42nd St, NYC.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017 (7pm): 
Ann Kitteredge in "It's About Time" with pianist Wendy Cavett and Maryann McSweeney on bass, at The Metropolitan Room, 34 W. 22nd Street, NYC.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017 (7pm): Matthew Martin Ward will be playing with Wendy Scherl at her Metropolitan Room show, 34 West 22nd St, NYC.

Thursday, March 9, 2017 (7pm): Robin Westle  in "The Adventures of Taffy Longview" at The Laurie Beechman Theatre, 407 W 42nd St, NYC.

Friday, March 10, 2017 (7pm): Tanya Moberly brings back "Tanya Moberly Sings the Blues with Ian Herman" one night only at Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St, NYC.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017 (7pm): Adam B Shapiro is bringing back his MAC Award winning show, "Guide to the Perfect Breakup," to The Metropolitan Room, 34 West 22nd St, NYC.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017 (7pm): 
Tanya Moberly directs Amy Beth Williams in "Carried Away" 
at Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St, NYC.

Thursday, March 16, 2017 (7pm): Kim Sutton's Madonna-themed show, "Live to Tell," with Steven Ray Watkins on piano and Lennie Watts as Director, will be at The Laurie Beechman Theatre, 407 W 42nd St, NYC. 

Friday, March 17, 2017 (7pm): Tanya Moberly brings back "Tanya Moberly Sings Amy, Ani, Rickie and Joni with Ritt Henn" one night only at Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St, NYC.

Thursday, March 23, 2017 (7:30pm): Deborah Stone is presenting her show "Still Exactly Where I Belong" at Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 (7pm): Kit is appearing for one night only in "Look Out I'm Back" at Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC.

Friday, March 31, 2017 (7pm): Tanya Moberly brings back "Tanya Moberly Sings Kenny Loggins with Steven Ray Watkins" one night only at Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St, NYC.

Saturday, April 1, 2017 (7pm): 
Ann Kitteredge in "It's About Time" with pianist Wendy Cavett and Maryann McSweeney on bass, at The Metropolitan Room, 34 W. 22nd Street, NYC.

Saturday, April 1, 2017 (7pm): Rebecca Kidwell sings in "A Song and It's Girl" with Tracy Stark on piano at Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 (7pm): Tanya Moberly directs Dan Ruth in "A Life Behind Bars" at The Laurie Beechman Theatre, 407 W 42nd St, NYC.

Saturday, April 15, 2017 (4pm): Deborah Stone is presenting her show "Still Exactly Where I Belong" at Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017 (7pm): Tanya Moberly directs Dan Ruth in "A Life Behind Bars" at The Laurie Beechman Theatre, 407 W 42nd St, NYC.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017 (7pm): Tanya Moberly directs Dan Ruth in "A Life Behind Bars" at The Laurie Beechman Theatre, 407 W 42nd St, NYC.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017: Sally Darling's new show, with musical direction by Matthew Martin Ward, at Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017 (9:30pm): Tanya Moberly directs Dan Ruth in "A Life Behind Bars" at The Laurie Beechman Theatre, 407 W 42nd St, NYC.

Sunday, June 4, 2017: Sally Darling's new show, with musical direction by Matthew Martin Ward, at Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC.

Friday, June 9, 2017: Sally Darling's new show, with musical direction by Matthew Martin Ward, at Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017: Sally Darling's new show, with musical direction by Matthew Martin Ward, at Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC.

Reminder - NO SALON next Sunday, February 26th (who's having an Oscar party instead? Send me an invite). We'll return on March 5th with the theme "Around The World," with Co-Hosts Michael Garin and Mardie Millit, and Salon Spotlight Robin Westle!

See you then!

Sierra Rein
Blogette for The Salon

Is there an error? Email me!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Salon Wrap-Up for February 12, 2017 - "Fun and Fancy Free"

Mark Janas, The Salon's founder and host, opened the evening talking about our theme, "Fun and Fancy Free." He looked up the definition and was surprised to learn that "fancy free" is first described as, "free of amorous connections" but the second usage is "having an open imagination." I had never thought of the phrase either way - I had always assumed it meant, "carefree," so it was exciting to hear this evening's songs with this new understanding.

Our Co-Host was Broadway Veteran Bret Shuford! Bret is currently appearing in the Broadway production of PARAMOUR at the Lyric Theatre. Other Broadway credits include AMAZING GRACE, THE LITTLE MERMAID, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST and CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG.

Bret launched this evening's show with a charming song of the same name as our theme - "Fun and Fancy Free"! He came back in the second half of the evening with a three-song set, starting with a lyrical and inventive medley called, "Spooky/Ghostbusters." He followed that with the great, actor-centric story song, "Skipper Dan" by Weird Al Yancovic. He finished the set with a hilarious, "Way Ahead of My Time" by Peter Mills. And for the final song of the evening, he inspired us with a very moving, "Fighting the Dragons."

For more information :

Co-Host Bret Shuford
Our Salon Spotlight featured Hanson & Bistro Award Winner Meg Flather, Hanson Award Winner & Broadway Veteran Rosemary Loar, and Bistro, Dottie Burman & Multiple MAC Award Winner Tracy Stark! Meg, Rosemary & Tracy will be performing their original songs at Don’t Tell Mama – 343 West 46th St, NYC 10036 – in UNEXPECTED TRIO on March 12th at 5pm.

The first song of their set was a beautiful and inspiring, "Love Is All That Matters," an original tune written/performed by Meg Flather, with Tracy on piano/backing vocals and Rosemary on backing vocals. The second song, "All I Could Do Was Sigh" was written/performed by Rosemary Loar with Meg on backing vocals and Tracy on piano/backing vocals. Rosemary started by mentioning her time as a backup singer for Sting, which inspired the writing of the song (which gave such a wonderful context for this heartfelt performance.) The final song of their set was a sultry and swinging, "Coffee," written/performed with verve by Tracy Stark, with Meg and Rosemary on backing vocals.

Our Salon Spotlight (from left): Meg Father, Tracy Stark and Rosemary Loar

For more information and to get tickets to the show, visit

Quick Wrap - Classical Corner

Mark started Classical Corner by saying, "Fun and Fancy Free, hmmm..." He played a little bit of Chopin's "Butterfly Etude" - which he remarked sounds fancy free, but it's actually quite difficult to play. Mark said he started to think about what makes music fancy free - is it that the song feels fancy free for the performer to play, or is it that it sounds fancy free to the listener? As mentioned earlier, there's another definition of "fancy free" which is "unlimited imagination." Mark started talking about pieces that have inspired the imagination over the ages. He then began to play a bit of Franz Liszt's "Hungarian Rhapsody," slowing it down at times to demonstrate the complexity of certain passages (flourishes which Liszt was known for doing to all pieces he played.) After talking about more about Liszt's career trajectory, he outlined how these pieces were conceived by Liszt. Mark said that these Hungarian tunes would be played by bands around town, and Liszt was inspired to write piano transcriptions of what he was hearing. Mark demonstrated a few sections slowly to point out how the piano was mimicking several instruments and overlapping ideas to become wilder and wilder until it hits the 2nd theme (which, as he pointed out, was used in a Bugs Bunny cartoon!)

He then talked about pianist/composer Vladimir Horowitz, who took this already challenging piece of  music and made his own transcription MAKING IT EVEN HARDER (this emphasized by Mark!) And with that, Mark grabbed his phone held it to the microphone, and played for us a version of Horowitz's transcription. This allowed him to point out certain features of the song as the song was being played via the recording.It was such a master class in music appreciation - amazing! We're so lucky to be exposed to this learning week after week.

Roster of performers for the evening (in order of appearance):
Click link to visit the performer’s website or other links, when available.
All piano accompaniment by Mark Janas unless otherwise noted.

Co-Host: Bret Shuford (with Tracy Stark on piano)
Gary Crawford
Bobbie Horowitz
Marnie Klar
Charles Baran
Ira Lee Collings
Rian Keating
Becca Kidwell
Barbara Malley (with Matthew Martin Ward on piano)
Matthew Martin Ward (also on piano)
David Ballard
Erin Cronican
Adam B Shapiro
Salon Spotlight: Meg Flather, Rosemary Loar and Tracy Stark (with Tracy on piano)
Classical Corner: Mark Janas
Co Host: Bret Shuford (with Tracy Stark on piano)
Tanya Moberly
Angela Leone
Deborah Stone
David Gillam (also on piano)
Steve Bustamante (also on guitar)
Kathleen France
Co-Host: Bret Shuford (with Tracy Stark on piano)

Special thanks to tonight’s musicians: Mark Janas, Tracy Stark, Matthew Martin Ward, David Gillam, and Steve Bustamante.

And thank you to Gil Alexandre on lights and sound, and our amazing waitstaff who always handle the demands of a full house with grace and style, and Steve Bustamante, tonight's videographer.

Ongoing Shows: 

Monday nights (7pm): Opera Open Mic at Shanghai Mong with Mark Janas and Matthew Martin Ward, 30 West 32nd Street, NYC.

Monday & Wednesday nights (8pm): Bill Zeffiro performs weekly at La Rivista, 313 West 46th St, NYC.

Upcoming Shows:

Friday, February 24, 2017 (7pm): Ira Lee Collings is performing his new show, "Simply Ira Lee: Through the Looking Glass-Warts and All! An 80th GAY GEEZER Celebration," at Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC.

Sunday, February 26, 2017 (2pm): Gary Crawford is holding his weekly "Church with a 2 Drink Minimum" (with Reverend Yolanda and Adam Shapiro) at Sidewalk Cafe in the East Village, NYC

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 (7pm): Barbara Malley is bringing back her show, "OMG! Am I a Diva?" to Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC, benefitting American Rivers.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 (7pm): Tanya Moberly directs Amy Beth Williams in "Carried Away" at Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St, NYC.

March 2017: Keep your eyes open for an announcement of dates for Rian Keating's next show, "Woman Songs" at Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC.

Friday, March 3, 2017 (7pm): Tanya Moberly brings back "Tanya Moberly Sings Nilsson With Weber" one night only at Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St, NYC.

Friday, March 10, 2017 (7pm): Tanya Moberly brings back "Tanya Moberly Sings the Blues with Ian Herman" one night only at Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St, NYC.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017 (7pm): Adam B Shapiro is bringing back his MAC Award winning show, "Guide to the Perfect Breakup," to The Metropolitan Room, 34 West 22nd St, NYC.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017 (7pm): 
Tanya Moberly directs Amy Beth Williams in "Carried Away" 
at Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St, NYC.

Friday, March 17, 2017 (7pm): Tanya Moberly brings back "Tanya Moberly Sings Amy, Ani, Rickie and Joni with Ritt Henn" one night only at Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St, NYC.

Monday, March 20, 2017 (7pm): Bobbie Horowitz is bringing is her next installment of "It's Only A Number" in honor of The Salon's Sponsor, Father Jeff Hamblin, at the Metropolitan Room, 34 West 22nd Street, NYC

Thursday, March 23, 2017 (7:30pm): Deborah Stone is presenting her show "Still Exactly Where I Belong" at Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017: Kit is appearing for one night only at Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC.

Friday, March 31, 2017 (7pm): Tanya Moberly brings back "Tanya Moberly Sings Kenny Loggins with Steven Ray Watkins" one night only at Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St, NYC.

Saturday, April 1, 2017 (4:30pm)Becca Kidwell is premiering her show, "A Song and Its Girl" (with music director Tracy Stark) at Don't Tell Mama, 343 W. 46th St, NYC.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 (7pm): Tanya Moberly directs Dan Ruth in "A Life Behind Bars" at The Laurie Beechman Theatre, 407 W 42nd St, NYC.

Saturday, April 15, 2017 (4pm): Deborah Stone is presenting her show "Still Exactly Where I Belong" at Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017 (7pm): Tanya Moberly directs Dan Ruth in "A Life Behind Bars" at The Laurie Beechman Theatre, 407 W 42nd St, NYC.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017 (7pm): Tanya Moberly directs Dan Ruth in "A Life Behind Bars" at The Laurie Beechman Theatre, 407 W 42nd St, NYC.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017: Save the date for Sally Darling's new show (music directed by Matthew Martin Ward) at Don't Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street, NYC.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017 (9:30pm): Tanya Moberly directs Dan Ruth in "A Life Behind Bars" at The Laurie Beechman Theatre, 407 W 42nd St, NYC.

We will be back next week with the theme,"My New York" with your Co-Host, Julie Gold and Salon Spotlight, Kim Sutton. 

See you then!

Erin Cronican
Blogette for The Salon

Do you see a change/addition you need me to make? Email me!