SALON, that Bistro & MAC Award winning open mic created and hosted by Mark Janas, will return to Etcetera, Etcetera - 352 West 44th Street, NYC 10036 (www.etcrestaurant.com) on Sunday, July 11th 7-10:30pm with:
“The Long And The Short Of It”
Guest Host/Pianist: Chris Haberl
Co-Host: Jamie deRoy
Special Guest: Cindy Marchionda
Salon continues every Sunday (except August 15th) through August 29th...
July 18th: “Cy Coleman”
Co-Host: Jana Robbins
Special Guest: TBA
July 25th: “Demo Night with Peter Millrose”
Co-Host: Julie Reyburn
Special Guest: Hector Coris
You will have the option to pay a $30 fee to Peter Millrose for a studio quality recording of your live performance. Reservations and payments will be taken in advance for guaranteed slots. (Contact Tanya at 646-637-2806 or tanyamoberly@juno.com) Mark is willing to offer rehearsal time earlier that afternoon to those participating. For more info on Peter Millrose:
August 1st: Theme TBA
Co-Hosts: Booth & Pat
Special Guest: Jim Brochu
Visit our website www.markjanasthesalon.com and blog: www.markjanasthesalon.blogspot.com, as well as our page on FACEBOOK
Thank you, Tech Goddess, Sierra Rein! (why you're welcome, Tanya!-SR)
Here's some important information about the Salon you should know. The Salon is an ongoing open entertainment event in which singers, writers and musicians share their talent with each other and audience members. We are currently enjoying our new venue, Etcetera, Etcetera where there is a $10 COVER (cash) AND a $15 FOOD/BEVERAGE MINIMUM (cash or credit). You may sign up to perform starting at 6:30 by seeing one the evening's 'Etceterettes' to fill out a card with your name, the name of your song, whether it's a ballad or an up tempo,(up tempos and comic songs are greatly encouraged!) and any upcoming events you'd like the co-host to announce. Please remember that we do not present performers in order of sign-up and, due to our time restraints and other variables, filling out a card does not guarantee you will perform, but we do our very best to get you up! It is usually a good idea to bring a few different song choices to avoid duplication. All types of material including spoken word are welcome at the Salon but please limit your selections to three or four minutes in length and please bring clear, complete charts for Mark to read. Sitting on the piano is not allowed, nor is flash photography. If you would like to add a (or remove your) name from our list, e-mail me at tanyamoberly@juno.com.
Looking forward to seeing you all when we resume on Sunday, July 11th!
-Sierra Rein
The Blogette for The Salon
Spelling mistakes? URL's I missed? Did I mess up? Please email me.
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